Jess Chace

Investigator | Data Scientist

Hacker Rank

Category » SQL

Answers to Hacker Rank challenges in the SQL module.

Hacker Rank is another great resource to improve programming and analysis skills offering modules like “Problem Solving”, “Language Proficiency”, and “Specialized Skills”. Within each module there is a topic, so for example, within the Language Proficiency module, there are seven languages to practice, including Python, Java, and Ruby. Programmers can work through a series of challenges to improve their proficiencies, earning points that eventually accumulate to badges. Bronze, silver, and gold badges represent what proficiency a programmer has within a given topic. You may wonder why someone would care about achieving a badge that isn’t seemingly worth anything, but this is actually another great way to showcase coding ability to prospective employers. Demonstrating that you’ve achieved a gold badge in SQL on Hacker Rank is a quantifiable data point that corroborates bullet points on a resume.

Within each challenge, there is a discussion section where coders can ask questions and post answers. I’ve found this particularly helpful when I was stuck on a small aspect of the challenge or to identify alternative methods of approaching the problem.

Below is a series of posts containing my answers to challenges rated at medium difficulty for the SQL module.